As Rhode Island begins to reopen and everything returns to business as (kind of) usual, it’s important to keep your employees, customers, and yourself safe by cleaning and disinfecting your commercial property. Whether your business is open to the public or you work in an office with a few employees, here are some tips from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), for getting your business in tip-top shape:
Practice routine cleaning
This may seem obvious, but it can’t be said enough—be sure you are constantly wiping down high-touch areas! Practice routinely cleaning surfaces such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, etc. Clean these areas throughout the day and especially in-between customers.
Use the correct disinfectants
If you’re not using proper disinfectants, you’re not really killing any germs! Be sure you’re using an EPA-registered household disinfectant or an alcohol solution with at least 70% alcohol. If appropriate for the surface, you can also use household diluted bleach solutions by mixing 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon of water or 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water. As always, be sure whoever handles these products is appropriately trained on how to use them, is wearing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE), and follows the instructions on the label.
Develop policies and regulations
Before opening your doors, make sure your employees—and customers—have an understanding of what’s expected of them. Require anyone entering to have a facial covering, enforce social distancing guidelines among co-workers and customers with six feet markers if possible, and consider putting a capacity on the number of people in the building at any time. For employees, require hand washing for at least 20 seconds or frequent use of hand sanitizer throughout the day.
Educate your employees
Making sure your employees are aware of your policies is crucial, but so is educating them! Consider holding trainings for them before reopening. Focus on the proper protocols for PPE (when to use PPE, what PPE is necessary, how to properly dispose of PPE), and review OSHA standards on Bloodborne Pathogens and disposal of regulated waste.
When in doubt—call Paradise!
We want you to feel confident and safe when you reopen your doors. Give us a call and we can take care of the deep cleaning and disinfecting for you, making sure your business gets back to feeling like paradise!